All articles by Dr. Patrizia Antoni

Tax evasion in Germany
Tax evasion is a critical issue in Germany, impacting both individuals and businesses alike. From legal implications to financial penalties, navigating the complexities of the German tax laws is crucial. In this article, we delve into the nuances of tax evasion in Germany.

Termination by agreement
In Germany, employees and employers can terminate an employment relationship without notice by signing a termination agreement. But be careful: A job termination agreement can have serious negative consequences. Before an agreement termination letter is signed, it should be checked. Additionally, it is important to be aware of all the advantages and disadvantages of a termination agreement in Germany.

Termination of employment
Germany is an employee-friendly country. Firstly, the notice period must be observed. In addition, the dismissal protection act (“Kündigungsschutzgesetz”) grants employees far-reaching rights, so that termination by the employer is often invalid. As a result, legal actions against dismissal are successful and end with high severance payments. In this blog, we outline the requirements, types and deadlines for termination of employment in Germany.

Severance Pay in Germany
In general, most employees are not legally entitled to severance pay. In practice, however, severance pay is usually paid in the event of dismissal by the employer. Many employees refrain from asserting their rights because they mistakenly believe that this would entail years of litigation. However, this is not the case in German labor law.

Dismissal in Germany
If an employee receives notice of termination of employment, this is a traumatizing experience, combined with existential fears. Fortunately, nobody has to accept a dismissal unchallenged. Our specialist lawyers for employment law support you throughout Germany in enforcing your rights.